RIP, Ant-y Anne
I feel pretty bad, actually. Our old system of keeping track of our kitchen exhaust cleaning schedule on the whiteboard behind Mr. Purple’s desk (our Chief Fixing Officer) was working so great. Until it wasn’t.
But it turns out that over the long Easter weekend, the entire Aardvark Service team’s favorite restaurant, Ant-y Anne’s burned to the ground. And it bugs me to say it, but it was our fault.
We missed a cleaning appointment. We dug around in the file cabinet and found paperwork from when we cleaned the kitchen exhaust system last August and December. Mr. Purple is pretty sure we were also there in February, but that paperwork was lost. We should have gone back in early-April, but oops…
So we started using a new field service application to help us keep track of our scheduling so nothing slips through the cracks again. We’ll also be able to prove to customers when we were there and show them before and after photos. That’s what I’m digging today.
Since Easter, we’ve been stuck going to Grubby Bell, and it isn’t the same as good ole Ant-y Anne’s. We do feel bad.